As a response to all God has done for us,
we want to be wonderfully generous.
Being generous with our money is good for God
(it shows how important He is to us), good for the Church
and the community (because we're able to finance the things
that we sense God is putting on our hearts), and good for us
as individuals (we're acknowledging that everything
we have is a gift from Him).
We encourage everyone who would consider
London Life Vineyard to be their church to give regularly.
The best way is through setting up a standing order,
as this allows the Church to have a better idea of income
and therefore plan better. However you can of course
also give one-off gifts to the Church.
Find the bank details below to do so.
Bank Barclays Bank PLC
Sort Code 20-58-51
Account Number 70087122
Account Name London Life Vineyard Church
Reference Surname / Amount
If you are a UK tax payer, please also complete the gift aid form below,
as it allows us to receive an additional 25%.